Tag Archives: vegetarian

Quinoa Pilaf with Feta

I’ve been in a bit of a cooking rut. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I really notice it. Cooking is so much fun and is such a great creative outlet, that when I hit a dry spell, it’s rather uncomfortable. Luckily, it feels as though the fog is lifting, and I’m re-invigorating my creative juices and to the relief of those I feed, I’m busting out some new material.

But enough about that. We’ve touched on quinoa here a few times, so let’s talk pilaf. We’ve all been to a wedding or other catered buffet type event and come across a warming tray filled with savoury-looking rice with peas (and possibly tiny cubes of carrot or niblet corn) in it labelled “rice pilaf”. Most commonly made with rice, and most recognizably a Middle Eastern dish (and that label alone encompasses a huge variety of cuisines), pilafs, by many names and variations, are part of a great number of cultures’ menus. At the very simplest, pilaf, is a grain dish, cooked in a flavoured liquid like stock or broth, with added ingredients like nuts, fruit, meat, herbs or vegetables.

The beauty of dishes like this, is that the combinations are endless and the rules for what to use essentially don’t exist. Don’t have dried cherries, but you do have dried cranberries? Use them! Out of red onion, but your garden is over run with scallions? Go for it. No quinoa in the cupboard? Do it with rice instead. Mix and match, play around and devise your own combinations of flavours. Myself, I like to keep the fruit tart and not too sweet and I am a nut for fresh herbs, so I like a lot of basil and mint in this dish. But you may not like fresh mint, you might prefer parsley. And that’s okay. So much of the enjoyment of cooking, and one’s development as a home cook comes from experimentation. With a dish like rice or quinoa pilaf you honestly, can’t go wrong, I promise. Even your “worst” will still be edible. So get to chopping and tasting and stirring and play creatively with this dish. Let me know how it goes in the comment section, I’d love to hear what you come up with, or what you think you might try. Enjoy!

Quinoa Pilaf with Feta

serves 4 

1 C quinoa

1 1/2 C chicken or vegetable stock

1/2 C dry white wine*

8 stalks of asparagus, trimmed and julienned

1/2 a medium sized red onion, thinly sliced and rinced

1/2 C toasted pecans, chopped

1/2 C dried cherries, chopped

3/4 C feta cheese, crumbled

2 small cloves of garlic, minced or grated

grated zest of 1/2 a lemon

1/4 C  mixed basil and mint leaves, julienned

juice of a lemon

2 Tbsp olive oil

sea salt and pepper to taste

*if you don’t wish to use wine, by all means, substitute it with more stock or water.

Bring the stock and wine to a boil in a small saucepan. Once boiling, add the quinoa and stir. Reduce the heat to minimum and cook, undisturbed, for 15 minutes.

Remove from heat, stir and move the quinoa to a large bowl. Stir well to help cool the quinoa, then set aside.

Prepare other ingredients and add to the cooled quinoa. Stir well to incorporate everything together. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

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Filed under cheese, Dinner, fruit, grains, lemon, light, lunch, nuts, quinoa, salad, Summer, Vegan or Easily Made Vegan, Vegetarian, veggies

Guest Post: this time I’m the guest!

I’m pleased to have a recipe featured today as a guest post on Ups and Downs of a Yoga Mom. Author Beth is off on vacation and needed a little help with her regular Meatless Monday post.  Check out my recipe here and join me in wishing Beth a great vacation!

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Filed under appetizer, Dinner, grains, light, lunch, quinoa, salad, savoury, Summer, vegan, Vegan or Easily Made Vegan, Vegetarian, veggies

Sautéed Asparagus with Tarragon

Oh asparagus: such a fleeting vision. Get it while you can, friends, it doesn’t last long. Whether you like it pencil thin and crisp, thumb-thick and buttery or shaved into ribbons and eaten raw, this is the time to have it. I’ll admit, usually I just steam it or toss inch long pieces into pasta. I like it with lemon, or just a bit of butter, but I don’t usually pair it with herbs, lest it’s delicate flavour be smothered. So imagine how chuffed I was with myself when I found myself standing in the market with a bunch of tarragon in one hand and a bundle of asparagus in the other?

A quick saute in some olive oil got this asparagus off the ground, but the chopped tarragon I threw in for the last 2 minutes of cooking really made it fly. A little sea salt and fresh pepper to finish, and ta-da, a springy, delicious and fast, fast, fast side dish for dinner, or a great addition to breakfast/brunch. (Try dunking the spears into a perfectly runny egg. Heaven.)

Sautéed Asparagus with Tarragon

Rinse and dry 1 bundle of asparagus., Trim the stem ends of any dry bits.

Chop and set aside, 1 tablespoon of tarragon.

Heat 1 tsp. olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Cut the asparagus spears into thirds. Toss in the asparagus pieces into the hot pan and toss quickly like a stir fry. Allow to cook, tossing frequently for about 4-5 minutes. If the pan is hot enough they will get a bit browned, which I liked because it amps up the natural nuttiness. If you’d like to keep them pure green, turn down the heat before any caramelization occurs. Add the tarragon for the last 2-3 minutes of cooking. The asparagus is cooked when it’s bright green and tender. Add a fine sprinkle of sea salt and pepper, et voila! Bon appetit!

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Filed under brunch, Dinner, light, savoury, Spring, vegan, Vegetarian