Daily Archives: September 18, 2011

September : Where does the time go?

Here we are, already past the mid-way point of September. Where does the time go?

My last post saw the slow fade of summer, its sun-bleached glory cooling, thinning and dissolving before our eyes. This post finds itself, just 13 days later, in the full, cool, dawn of fall. The family is already planning Thanksgiving and when and where to celebrate the October birthdays. Stores have begun to fill with Christmas merchandise. Our neighbours grew pumpkins and have harvested them, proudly displaying two lumpy green-orange gourds weighing an estimated 15 lbs each. They are lovely.

So where have I been, during all of this, while the seasons have been changing? Here. Still cooking, writing, laughing, reading. We had some technical difficulties (2 dead computers in the same week) and blogging from the ipad just isn’t the same. I make no real apology (don’t you hate it when bloggers apologize for hiatus?) but I do hope and intend to be filling this space with heart and tummy warming recipes very soon. I’m working on a few gems that I hope will get you feeling cozy and ready for crunching leaves, an old sweater (or a new scarf!) and a cup of something warm and soothing.

Until then, be well, and thanks, as always, for reading.

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